Winner of the Palme D’or at the 2024 Cannes Film Festival...
Modern-day screwball comedy Anora is an electrifying match-up of director Sean Baker and lead Mikey Madison in a star-making performance, equal parts funny and heart-rending, overflowing with ferociously unpredictable energy.
Anora (Mikey Madison), a young sex worker from Brooklyn, gets her chance at a Cinderella story when she meets and impulsively marries the son (Mark Eydelshteyn) of an oligarch. Once the news reaches Russia, her fairytale is threatened as his parents set out for New York to get the marriage annulled.
Sean Baker | United States | 2024 | 139 mins | Subtitled | 18
**This film contains flickering or flashing lights that may affect those with photosensitive epilepsy.