
STORY | Reimagine Remake Replay Launches Playback Film Festival

STORY | Reimagine Remake Replay Launches Playback Film Festival

Nerve Centre’s Reimagine Remake Replay project has launched a new film festival programme for young people across Northern Ireland.

Playback Film Festival is a three-day virtual film festival, delivered in collaboration with LUMI at the Queen’s Festival Theatre and Zeppo Arts.

During the festival participants will get exclusive access to film screenings, including the Irish premiere of Sweethearts, the acclaimed comedy-drama by Marley Morrison. The festival will use different films from the QFT archives to explore the theme of nostalgic cinema. Participants will also get the chance to take part in workshops and talks, including a workshop on how to make a movie poster.


The programme is FREE to attend and takes place online. Sign up for individual sessions via Eventbrite.

Streaming from the QFTPlayer is only available in the UK and Ireland. The movie poster workshop is open exclusively for young people aged 16-26 in Northern Ireland.