
Primary Support Week 2018 - Free Teacher Training Courses

Primary Support Week 2018 - Free Teacher Training Courses

Nerve Centre Creative Learning Centre is pleased to announce its Primary Teacher Support Week, four days of CPD workshops designed for school coordinators and teachers in using technology in a creative way to support teaching and enhance learning in the classroom. Running from Monday 20 - Thursday 23 August, the free workshops will be focused on curriculum areas and topics across all Key Stages and are exclusively for teachers and those working in the school environment (e.g. classroom assistants/technicians).

SEN Coordinator & Teacher Support:

This workshop is designed to support Primary SEN Coordinators and teachers with a range of software and equipment across all Key Stages.

This workshop will explore ways in which the creative use of technology can be embedded to support teaching with SEN / AEN pupils. It will look at how the range of inbuilt accessibility options within the iPad itself can support a range of additional needs and how some key apps can really help to engage students and help them to express themselves in areas of school life. The session will aid teachers and coordinators to use creative technology appropriately to enhance the model of inclusion within their school.


ICT Coordinator & Teacher Support:

This workshop is designed for Primary ICT Coordinators but this is not exclusive, as Key Stage specific topics will be covered throughout the session for any teachers that wish to attend.

The session will then look at connected learning from Foundation through Key Stage 1 & 2 with an ICT focus. Participants will complete tasks for Coding, Film, Animation, Sound Recording and Desktop Publishing across a range of Key Stage specific topics with resources that can be used in your own school.


ICT Coordinator & Teacher Support (iPad management & good practice):

This workshop is designed for Primary ICT Coordinators but this is not exclusive.

The session will begin with an overview of good practice and iPad management across the school, looking at topics such as set-up and restrictions, upcoming iOS features, Multi Device Management (MDM) and storage.


Numeracy Coordinator & Teacher Support:

This workshop is designed for Primary Numeracy Coordinators but this is not exclusive, as Key Stage specific topics will be covered throughout the session for any teachers that wish to attend.

The session will explore maths and numeracy activities at each key stage including Foundation. Participants will use a range of devices and techniques with an ICT focus to enhance pupil engagement. These tasks will offer skills development in Interactive Design, Film & Animation, Managing Data, Presenting, Music & Sound and Desktop Publishing. Resources created for these purposes will then be available for use and dissemination in your own school.


Coding Across the Curriculum (Foundation & KS1):

This course will introduce teachers to the concepts of coding and give participants the opportunity to apply these practically. Teachers will gain an understanding of ways in which coding on the iPad and computer can be used across Foundation & KS1 to support teaching and learning.


Coding Across the Curriculum (KS2):

This course will introduce teachers to the concepts of coding and give participants the opportunity to apply these practically. Teachers will gain an understanding of ways in which coding on the iPad and computer can be used in KS2 to support teaching and learning.


Exploring the WAU (World Around Us):

This workshop will explore ways in which the creative use of technology can be embedded into schemes of work to support connected learning and teaching of WAU topics.

Teachers will be given an overview to help incorporate elements of ICT throughout the school to enable pupil progression throughout using Film, Animation, Coding and STEAM activities. Participants will then complete a number of tasks modelled around Key Stage specific topics in these areas.


Literacy Coordinator & Teacher Support:

This workshop is designed for Primary Literacy Coordinators but this is not exclusive, as Key Stage specific topics will be covered throughout the session for any teachers that wish to attend.

The session will look at connected learning from Foundation through Key Stage 1 & 2, with an ICT focus. Participants will complete tasks for Coding, Film, Animation, Presenting, Sound and Desktop Publishing across a range of Key Stage specific topics with resources that can be used in your own school. The outcomes of this session are to use technology as an effective means to engage pupils, to develop the children’s ability to use language and literacy to express themselves creatively and to communicate what they have learned confidently through connected learning approaches.