
Nerve Centre shortlisted for a Learning Endeavour Award

Nerve Centre shortlisted for a Learning Endeavour Award

Inspiring minds and shaping the future of education

We’re thrilled to announce that we’ve been shortlisted in the ‘Advancing Learning Through Innovation’ category of the OCN NI Learning Endeavour Awards! This recognition highlights the exceptional work of our creative learning team in providing educational experiences that empower people to reach their full potential.

Martin Flynn, Chief Executive of OCN NI said,

"Judging was a little more complex this year due to the sheer volume and quality of nominations, but we are very happy to reveal the shortlist for the 2023 Learning Endeavour Awards. The shortlisted learners and organisations reflect the best of Northern Ireland and are shining examples of what hard work and determination can achieve”.

The shortlisted nominees for ‘Advancing Learning Through Innovation’ also include:

- Belfast Met Supported Learning Centre, Co Antrim

- Irish Football Association, Co Antrim

- Northern Regional College, Co Derry~Londonderry

- NWRC, Derry~Londonderry

- South Eastern Regional College, Co Down

- Youth Action NI, Co Antrim

We're looking forward to the awards ceremony on 26 June 2023 to celebrate the collective commitment to advancing learning and making a positive impact in Northern Ireland.

Explore what Creative Learning opportunities are on offer at Nerve Centre.