
'Drawn from Borders' Creative Engagement Programme - Register Now

'Drawn from Borders' Creative Engagement Programme - Register Now

This is an opportunity for Artlink members to look creatively on the events of 100 years ago, borders and Brexit and to generate a creative output in response. The resulting work will form part of a new exhibition in the Tower Museum in early 2020 that will examine important events during 1920-22, including the Partition of Ireland and will cover themes around borders.

Starting in July and running over six months, participants will:

- Go behind the scenes with the Tower Museum's unique collections

- Travel on site visits to museums and/or heritage sites across Ireland (transport and refreshments will be provided)

- Have access to Artlink Studios and materials to produce a creative response

- Have the opportunity to collaborate with other artists

- Access and training to state-of-the-art digital equipment

+ much more!

No previous experience of local history or using technology required. We're looking for enthusiastic people who can commit to an exciting and ambitious programme (26 hours over six months). Participants must be members of Artlink (see to sign up) and must be aged 18+.

No previous experience of local history or using technology required.

The programme is part of the ‘Understanding the Decade of Centenaries’ project being delivered by the Nerve Centre in partnership with the Tower Museum and supported by the European Union’s PEACE IV Programme, managed by the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB).

Photo cred: Catherine Ellis, Elephant in the Room